The Quality of Energy

Beloved El Morya

March 11, 1966

The energy of the chela's own life, and all life for that matter, provides the substance of every manifestation in that one's experience, and the quality of the energy determines the quality of the manifest form. 

All the lovely manifestations in one's life and the environment are the 'crystallized' good of that lifestream, released through conscious cooperation with the Christ within, through the setting aside of the little self and permitting the Christ Self to direct the energy of one's life. 

There are conscious and unconscious causes set up by a lifestream, through the USE of energy. The unconscious causes are the result of all the Good the lifestream has done, by qualifying the energy drawn from his Presence with a constructive radiation, but without conscious knowledge that such good was creating future merit and opulence and health. In other words, living in a harmonious manner, and stamping the electrons with Good. 

Many lifestreams, embodiment after embodiment, have chosen to utilize their Gift of Life to do Good; to bring Peace, expand Kindliness, to give Comfort, and so on. These lifestreams set up Causes in the Inner Bodies, which the Holy Christ Self utilizes to protect and provide them at later dates, and even in later incarnations, with the necessities and luxuries of life, which are the outpicturing of their own Life-energy, qualified with Good. 

In your understanding of the Sacred Fire, however, you have entered into a New Realm of Conscious Creation of New Causes, through the use of applied thought and feeling. You still maintain the accumulated Good which must manifest through your Life experience, but you can now set into action new Causes, by focusing your attention upon a Divine Idea, holding the thought-form, and filling that form with your feeling, and precipitating it into being. 

Now, for a specific example: A string of pearls may be placed into the use and keeping of a beautiful woman by her own Holy Christ Self, and those pearls in their very substance would be the condensed energy of her Service to life centuries ago; Or, a chela could receive the Idea from God's Heart of a beautiful necklace, hold the thoughtform of the necklace and consciously precipitate the necklace. In both cases, the necklace would be the ENERGY of the lifestream taking the FORM of a necklace, but the first instance would be unconscious, and the second conscious precipitation. 

All the substance in the chela's world is the actual energy of the individual's own lifestream condensed. If it is good, FINE! If otherwise, REDEEM IT BY LIGHT! If there is lack, it is because your Christ Self has not been provided by the personal self enough reserve energy. 

I bring this to your attention now, so that you will not weary in giving the same Decrees OVER and OVER, and when you personally have a specific Project which you wish to have manifest. Your own energy is required for a certain manifestation which you desire, and that is where a momentum comes in. The Father of Life does not just release something wonderful into your world or that of your fellowman because he would like to bless you with that Gift. Most certainly not! 

You have been reminded time and again of the storehouse of your lifestream, your own Causal Body, wherein you have built a momentum of Good. Keep up your Decrees for that which you wish to manifest, be it for yourself or the benefaction of all life, and that which you have accumulated through the ages will flow forth as you are constant in your application. Should there be a 'lack' of some commodity in your Causal Body, you will naturally have to keep on, keeping on until sufficient of your OWN energy has been constructively qualified, along a specific line, to permit the manifestation. 

The Father of all Life does not withhold Good from his children, but you must first build up a Cosmic Bank Account, so to speak, in order to draw upon it. Makes sense does it not! 

Never, I repeat, never let there be discouragement in your world, because in your own energy, is all that you could ever require for the Good of your lifestream; the requirement - the building of a momentum for it to manifest!






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