Assimilation and Expansion
of the Electronic Pattern
December 1997
ELECTRONIC PATTERN: See the mighty planetary Threefold Flame, greatly expanding by the regular channeling of energy from the Body of Light, blazing into the heartcenters of the Holy Triumvirate: beloved Sanat Kumara, beloved Lord Gautama and beloved Lord Maitreya. In turn, these great beings of light now enfold the Earth in a beautiful, constantly pulsating aura of blue, gold and pink with a magnificent emerald green radiance, The instant each human heart is touched by this perfectly balanced radiation of divine strength, wisdom and love, the Threefold Flame within each member of our human family joyously responds by expanding outward, dissolving all veils of limitation, revealing the truth and reality of God Consciousness to their outer awareness.
(From a previously published discourse by Lord Gautama from The Word of God, December 1984.)
My children, come into the heart of love and reap the Harvest of Light resulting from your dedicated service at the conclusion of this cycle. This has been a year of renunciation. Many have raised their consciousness to experience what it means to be centered in the consciousness of their Source, I AM, through renouncing the human consciousness they have worn century after century.
Dwell in the heart of the Immortal Threefold Flame where you are enthroned in the balance of the Middle Way, which has been my privileged service for centuries. I AM further energizing the individualized Flame of Immortality in your beings this day, in deep gratitude for your sincere efforts to be the Christ in Action. Having tasted the elixir of Oneness I AM, the way becomes easier and your forcefield expands and is fortified by the encompassing Light of Truth!
In your quest for enlightenment, you will know what liberation means by freeing your consciousness from the invasion of the lower tendencies which can be a stumbling block to the eventual spiritual realization that it is your mission to serve others. As you so serve, your awareness widens and you know that what was formally conveyed on your fellow traveler in the name of pity will be transmuted into compassion, through the blazing fire of love divine. Then, the meaning of ONENESS is understood.
Many paths have been presented to you through the centuries which have been stepping stones, building a firmer road on which you placed your feet. As you ascend the Ladder of Attainment leading to the glorious consciousness of truth, I AM, you will find all the riches of the universe available in your service to others; your brother and sister cells in all Kingdoms.
Were you to see the process which takes place when the expanded light blazes from your being, the joy of the elementals as they revel when their co-servers blend into Oneness and the resulting song from the unified tones goes forth to enrich the harmony of the Universe. The celestial choirs expanding the Song of Universal Love resounds through all creation and man becomes imbued with the radiation of love divine which embraces all in unity of purpose. The harvest which has been gleaned this year is notable and this prodigal planet is emerging from its cocoon of separateness, blending with its companion planets which came forth from the Heart of Mighty Helios and Vesta. This with a song of gratitude all blend into the one great light and a panorama of indescribable beauty results.
My counsel is a gift of love which emanates from the center of all life, the jewel of divine love, I AM. Freed from the fetters of the human let the radiation which is available to you gather all into the heart of all―the Oneness of the Human Family―and all evolutions experiencing this unction will know there is one path, one path only, the center of light where the human has bent the knee and harmony reigns supreme!
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(Previously published discourse by Lord Maitreya from The Word of God, April 1984.)
Good morning, precious powers of Light embodied. I AM Maitreya. I come this morning representing the cosmic Ray of Truth as it cascades out from the Great Central Sun. TRUTH IS THE EXPERIENCE OF GOD. In my capacity as The Cosmic Christ, it is my privilege to represent that truth to humanity, for the first experience of absolute truth that is available to humankind is The Christ. I come specifically this morning to energize the Christ Flame in the heart, raising it up into a magnificent flame in the throat and drawing it up through the bridge of the nose, allowing that flame to expand upon the forehead; for this is The Christ claiming the three higher centers of man, through which the New Age shall come into fruition. Feel for a moment the Threefold Flame of the Heart—love, wisdom and power in perfect balance—blazing up in a beautiful spiral through the throat center and on a deep rhythmic breath, through the bridge of the nose up into the forehead, so that the mind, heart and spoken word are all aligned with the cosmic reality of truth.
As the gracious Lady Pallas Athena has said, "This month is dedicated to energizing all centers of truth on this planet." Principally that means the Threefold Flame of the heart, throat and head centers. And when, through spiritual effort the Christ has claimed these three higher centers, you will perceive that truth at all times in all situations. The truth is simply the vibration and radiation of God Reality at that moment. You are to become an electronic outpost of the cosmic momentum of truth. I AM sure you have felt that the momentum of truth is more than a single ray, but covers all the different expressions and manifestations of the Godhead.
Lady Pallas Athena is a magnificent heavenly being and through her abilities to hold the cosmic momentum of truth from the Central Sun, she is revealing to you her greater cosmic capacity and her own evolutionary path towards greater and greater service to the cosmos. She and her beloved, Holy Æolus, as the Cosmic Holy Spirit, are in preparation for greater cosmic service in the time to come. Their light is and has been such a fundamental part of the Permanent Age of Spiritual Freedom coming into fruition on this planet.
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(From a previously published discourse by Sanat Kumara from The Word of God, December 1984.)
What is Flame and why does Humanity Shy from the Word?
Flame is but a concentrate of life energy which has been qualified by some intelligence to act in a specific manner; a concentration of energy qualified by the feeling world of some self-conscious intelligence to act in a specific manner. As that energy, magnetized, drawn and concentrated is CHARGED and CHARGED with a specific feeling, it becomes a FLAME which can and will enter into the energies and world of anyone who chooses to use it.
Now, the quality which I offer to humanity, to elemental life, to imprisoned angels and to the planet itself is PATIENCE―THE COSMIC FLAME OF COSMIC PATIENCE. Can you accept it in its fullness?
What is patience, beloved ones? It is merely control of the energy of the inner and physical bodies. It is the capacity, when treating any expression of life needing assistance, to hold your energy in perfect harmony and then project it forth according to the direction of your Christ Self for the accomplishment of some good purpose. Now in preparation of the Holy Season, I give you an assignment and that is to become patient men and women!
Let me differentiate, for your enlightenment, between the quality of patience and that of lethargy or indifference. The patient human is not the indifferent or the lethargic human. The patient human is positive, poised and powerful. He does not allow his energy to go from him, either in thought, feeling, gesture or word, until the God-Self has qualified it with its nature and then only does it go forth in blessing.
All over this known world those who are aware of our activities and those who are not, will be aware of the patient feeling which it has been my joy to develop; which has sustained me through the ages, and which has brought me to this day. May my love and gratitude now enfold the beloved planet Earth and its evolutions.
Sanat Kumara