Beloved chelas, Instead of including a new visualization in this month's magazine we feel it very appropriate to republish the description of the ceremonies conducted in the etheric realm during the transference of Shamballa from the Gobi Desert to Long Island in November 1964 by Ascended Master Kuthumi and printed in the February 1965 magazine. Beloved Kuthumi's enthusiasm, reverence and lively expressed words will, we believe, inspire you to really feel and experience the true nature, holiness and responsibility to humanity and Earth, of Shamballa.
Festivities at Shamballa
Hallowed be the name of the Cosmic I AM Presence, through whose love and graciousness I AM permitted this day to fill the role of Cosmic Narrator for the activities which took place on Long Island when the Permanent Ray at Shamballa was anchored into the Earth substance.
Beloved ones, enter deep, deep, deep within the Immortal Victorious Flame within your hearts so that you may partake to the fullest of the mighty blessings which will be showered upon you, the chelas of The Bridge to Freedom (now The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom) and all life everywhere.
Since the fifteenth of this month tremendous preparations have been made at inner levels so that the etheric temple would be in magnificent readiness for the anchorage of the Flame and Ray of Shamballa into the very substance of the Earth, where it shall be constantly energized and expanded by the Hierarchy until a visible replica shall manifest on this land.
The Brotherhood is grateful in the extreme for the glorious duplication of the original Temple of the Holy Spirit which has been built by those who were chosen and those who volunteered to bring this to fulfillment. The ethers over this holy isle are filled with a light of great intensity and I assure you that as the chelas further purify themselves, they will witness in the immediate 'heavens' over this area and the great metropolis of New York, magnificent activities as the maya of human creation is removed from this area through transmutation, as well as the human creation yet present in the vehicles of the chelas.
Several days prior to the twenty-sixth, the beings and forces of the elements are engaged in an activity of purification of the atmosphere and those present in this locality can attest to the fact that it was like unto a raging wind storm, coupled with the blessing of Neptune whose undines poured forth a benediction into the very substance of the Earth, there to be graciously received by beloved Virgo and the beloved gnomes and undines themselves, who are so very grateful for this so needed additional water element.
In the early morn of the Cosmic Day there were still what appeared to be a veil or cloud over the Island of Manhattan and Long Island. This represented, of course, the fact that there is yet a tremendous purification to take place in this area and the whole planet where chaos is rampant. Gradually this maya was parted and beloved Helios and Vesta prepared the atmosphere for the cosmic occasion and when all was in readiness one could glimpse the beauty and magnitude of the light which was transferred to this sacred site and which shall continue to expand until all upon this orb shall feel and know the radiation which is the blessing and cohesive power of the spiritual headquarters of the Hierarchy for this Earth.
There was a great amphitheater over this locality filled with the Angelic Host, from the least, in graded order, through the Thrones and Principalities. The celestial music which emanated from their beings was of the most exquisite blending of tones, unheard of in the atmosphere of this planet since the appearance of human creation. As one looked further it could be seen that every Silent Watcher through emanation of light was participating and the Angelic Host had taken up their stations for every nation on this Earth, so that they could assist in tying in the energies of the chelas who were tuning in to this cosmic event.
Angelic Beings from all the planets belonging to Helios and Vesta have come to this Central Focus. Since the fifteenth of the month, they have been in the atmosphere over this focus, as it has been their responsibility and privilege to create a pathway of light for the spiritual head of each of their planets to come, in all the dignity of their office, from their individual Foci, to be present at the ceremonies.
A special throne-altar built on tiers has been erected for this specific occasion, in semi-circular form, around the Holy of Holies―the Sacred, Cosmic Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame for this planet. It is within a golden brazier, resting upon an alabaster pedestal through which flows a 'vein' of golden essence.
I shall now read the etheric record of the cosmic and notable spectacle, the energization of which brings one to the present tense: One hears a magnificent symphony as the assembled guests rise and beloved Helios and Vesta take their places in the throne section of the temple, next to the highest tier. Following in glorious processional, preceded by the Seraphic Guard is the oh so humble Lord of the World, Gautama, simply attired in white garments with a golden band at the hem, sleeve and neckline. Following is our beloved Regent, Sanat Kumara, then Lord Maitreya. Both are dressed in white and gold, similar to Lord Gautama. These blessed ones take their place in the specified semi-circle.
We now see the regal Saint Germain in all the dignity of his being and office, accompanied by his lady, Portia, ascend to their places in the throne section. Beloved Jesus and the beautiful Mother Mary follow and proceed to their places, where it was my great privilege to have a chair reserved for my humble self. We now witness the electrifying presence of beloved El Morya, then Lord Lanto, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady Nada and beloved Kwan Yin who is representing the Seventh Ray in beloved Saint Germain’s place.
You realize that courtesy is one of the first tenets of the Kingdom of Heaven, so the reigning individuals of the other planets belonging to Helios and Vesta, now enter―namely from Mercury, Aquaria, Uranus, Freedom, Athene and Purity―and proceed to the general assembly section, facing the beings serving the Earth at this time. They were previously invited by beloved Helios and Vesta to be seated in the throne section but they all deferred to those specifically designated to the Earth as this cosmic activity was hers.
A tremendous almost hushed reverence is experienced. However, the overtones of the Angelic Choir and Symphony can be heard as all heads are bowed and everyone rises at the signal that beloved Alpha and Omega are about to enter the temple. In a burst of the most triumphant music, beloved Alpha and Omega proceed down the aisle to the semi-circle and there ascend to the uppermost tier. In this mighty magnificence we witness with awe the light and love of all these beings merge into a blazing light of such intensity which is impossible to describe to you. Those of you who have seen the Aurora Borealis have an insignificant example which would pale into the background beside that which is our privilege to behold when mighty Alpha and Omega entered. Oh children of the Father-Mother God, the humility in the hearts of these cosmic and ascended guests as they bow in reverence to the light of glorious Alpha and Omega. They are now seated in their throne chairs, made of a substance like the alabaster of the pedestal on which the brazier for the Threefold Flame rests.
All is in readiness for the Induction Ceremonies the cosmic keynote embodied in 'At Dawning' and 'Homing' is heard, signifying that beloved Æolus is present. He approaches the altar followed by beloved Paul and Lady Rowena. They proceed to the tier just below Helios and Vesta where they receive a blessing in a tongue unknown to the Earth people. An attendant from the Court of Helios and Vesta removes the green and gold cape which the beloved Maha Chohan wears and another attendant holds this attire. Now a vestment of the softest white texture, yet shimmering brilliantly, emblazoned with a beautiful dove, is placed on the shoulders of the former Maha Chohan and mighty Vesta raises her hand in the authority which is hers and vests the beloved Æolus with the rite of the Office of the Cosmic Holy Spirit for the planets under the direction of Helios and Vesta.
The cape of green and gold is now placed upon the shoulders of beloved Paul, his outer robe of pink velvet having first been removed by the angelic attendant. At this moment, beloved Vesta with the proper invocation, raises him to the Office of Maha Chohan, Representative of the Holy Spirit for the planet Earth. The pink cape which was formerly worn by beloved Paul is placed upon the shoulders of Lady Rowena and as beloved Vesta raises her hand and makes the pronouncement, Lady Rowena becomes Chohan of the Third Ray.
The blazing light which emanates from these three beings, in true gratitude for the privilege of further serving the Omnipotent First Cause, is indescribable. Beloved Æolus proceeds up the dais to the row immediately below mighty Alpha and Omega, where he is joined by the beautiful Pallas Athena. The Maha Chohan, beloved Paul, takes his place at the side of Lord Gautama, a chair having been set aside tot him; Lady Rowena resplendent and dignified takes her place, at the third chair where the other Chohans are standing, significant to the ray each is representing.
At this time there is a slight interim of deep silence, just pulsating light of great intensity. We hear a gong of the most melodious tone and an intonation is given by mighty Alpha and as he and beloved Omega blaze the light from their hearts into the being of Lord Gautama, the entire temple is filled with an intensified light wherein the whole assembly is blended into one great light and we each thrill to the tremendous pulsation of the flame and ray of Holy Shamballa flowing from Alpha and Omega, beloved Æolus and Lord Gautama into the flame before the altar and then into the very physical substance of the Earth. Thus the sacred Focus of the Great White Brotherhood is officially established in its new and permanent location etherically and physically on Long Island.
Suffice to say that the sacred Threefold Flame transferred from the Gobi Desert to the altar of Shamballa over Long Island is of tremendous expanded proportions as this activity takes place. The silence, gratitude and pure divine love is one of the greatest magnitude and truly is the Earth herself blessed beyond comprehension as the Spiritual Hierarchy now has a Focus on the earthplane, from whence instructions and blessings heretofore unheard of shall emanate for the betterment of the planet and all her evolutions.
As the chelas in the physical appearance world have joined their energies and love in gratitude, through the assistance of their own Holy Christ Selves, the light from their hearts has formed an upreaching triangle which entered the temple itself, there to be welcomed into the descending triangle of the assembly to form a blazing and perfect star, honoring our so loved regent Sanat Kumara, the savior of this Earth and his lady, the beautiful Venus.
One also sees at this time in the central, uppermost part of the dome of the temple a dove of effulgent white light, giving forth a radiation of the softest most delicate shade of pink, the insignia of the Holy Spirit, The Cosmic Moment has come and the Divine Edict fulfilled!