Spring Conference


April 1, 1994

Beloved of My Heart,

It has been one year since I gave to each one of you the statement "I AM the resurrection and the life of the perfection of my Divine Plan manifest in the world of form―right here, right now, and forever sustained". You have shown Me by your extensive use of this affirmation, beginning with the Spring Conference and from that time forth, that you have fully accepted who you are and the higher initiations I offered to each one of you at that time.

Exactly what those tests and opportunities were, is between you and I and it shall continue to be so. However, I must say that your response has brought great joy, not only to Myself, but to all the other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angels, and Elemental Beings, Who have actively worked for this time in the evolution of the Earth.

You are truly manifesting the perfection of your individual Divine Plans and in so doing, the Divine Plan of Shamballa and your entire Planet. I AM especially impressed by the fact that you and so many of Our chelas have now taken full responsibility for every aspect of your lives and, as a result, grown greatly in your spiritual development.

You have also realized the tremendous importance of the group and have made cooperation an integral part of your work, accepting each and every person you meet upon this path as a brother or sister in your global family. You have greatly expanded your ability to understand and forgive, not only yourself, but others. In doing this, you have built a momentum of quiet strength and patience and you are happy to be in embodiment during this exciting time and you share your joy with others. You have truly come a long way and I AM grateful for your perseverance and constancy.

It is for this very reason that I wish to share with you the following information. Just as I worked so very closely with beloved Micah, as He chose to walk the Earth as Jesus the Christ, I shall now work with each one of you. As you know, the Divine Plan of the New Age has been worked out in fine detail at inner levels and the advance preparations have been completed. You have accepted Our doctrine and are well on your way in the process of the incorporating this information into your daily lives.

Beloved ones, the time has now come when you must expand your activities and become disciples of Holy Spirit. However, to do this, you must first truly be Disciples of the Christ, the full manifestation of the Christ here on Earth. Now is the hour when you must step forth, revealing the fact that the Presence of God exists in every part of life. You must spread Our teachings by your every thought, word, action, and reaction. Thus the Light of God shall shine so brightly within you, that everyone, I repeat, EVERYONE you contact, will see and no longer be able to deny what is happening within you and many other individuals all over this planet.

At that point, the humankind of Earth will all then begin to understand and accept the Truth that has so lovingly been given for several thousand years. I AM sure we all patiently await that day, but I ask right now that you please turn your attention to the distant past for a few moments.

Prior to the beginning of this New Age, volunteers were asked to come forward and assist in the work of creating a new era upon the planet and you, beloved ones, were among those who came forward, offering yourselves completely to this endeavor, just as you came forward two thousand years ago to accomplish the same work. Naturally, the individuals who volunteered to do this, were tested once again so that your progress could be assessed.

Every volunteer experienced many initiations and gradually the right people were found and activities such as this were created to begin the early work of preparation required before The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom could come forth and develop into what it is today. Taking this idea one step further, what it will someday become, is dependent upon the love, dedication, and joy of service of each and every one of Its members.

Beloved Ones, the New Age has dawned brightly upon the horizon. Its magnificent journey has now begun and you have chosen to be a part of Its history. There is much work to be done, but, as you are already becoming aware, the rewards are many. Return now to the present.

Take a moment to center yourselves and gently close your eyes. With your inner vision, see who you truly are―magnificent Beings of Blazing Flame. Step back from yourself and look at your own individual Christ Light, for it is beautiful to behold!

You are all-powerful! You are all-knowing! Above all, you are all-loving! Within you is every good and perfect thing you have ever created over lifetimes of living and learning. This energy is held within your Causal Body, just waiting for the day when you have the strength, wisdom, and love needed to release these gifts through your vehicles to the Earth.

Your very presence here this week is a sign of your love. During the year just completed, you have received the power. During this year of Illumination and Understanding you will receive the clarity of consciousness that is so necessary to accomplish all that you have offered to the world.

During this week of joy and service, take time to look at the Light which emanates from every chela who has once again made the journey to the sacred Focus of Shamballa to join in the sacred Celebration of the Christ. While you are here, open your minds and hearts to the thoughts and ideas of those around you. See the auras of your brothers and sisters radiating forth the pure essence of their causal bodies. See the perfection of God within each one. Through this unity of consciousness you will be able to assist more perfectly in the total and rapid Ascension into the Light of this planet and all life upon Her.

At this very moment I draw you deep into My heart, enfolding you in My love. We shall, from this day forth, serve together in ever-closer communion, fully manifesting Saint Germain's Permanent Golden Age upon this blessed planet Earth, right here, right now, and forever sustained! I love you, each blessed one!


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Thanksgiving Day                                                Thursday, November 24

Transfer of Shamballa to Long Island                SaturdayNovember26

Humankind's Harvest                                              Wednesday, November 30


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