The Ascension of the Four Elements

Beloved Holy Ĉolus

February 1, 1978

The human body is made up of water, air and earth, and is animated by Spiritual Fire, which is the transmuting element that eventually absorbs the other three elements into Itself.  

When the earth, the water and the air have become completely permeated by the Fire of Spirit, they become etheric substance, and at the moment of the Ascension, the Fire of God returns to the Father with the transmuted elements of the Earth within Itself. . . thus, the Ascension is the ascending of the Fiery Flame which has animated the physical body from the beginning of time.

At so-called death the Flame ascends, but without absorbing the purified substance of the earth body, and therefore remains but one element.

At the time of the Ascension, the Flame becomes the four elements, and in that Ascension you have the four-square activity of the Fourth Dimension, and there is no return of the Flame to the Earth because Its journey is completed.

If the chela will visualize this Fire in the Breath drawing all his Earth substance into Itself, and thus prepare for Its last journey Home, he will be able to hasten the process of purification preceding the Ascension.






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