The Bridge Journal


Volume XI                             Winter 2001                            Number 1

In This Issue

Click the underlined words.


The Master Presence of Light, Serapis Bey..............   3

Creating Freedom in Your Lives, Saint Germain...........  5

Monthly Electronic Patterns............................................  8

Monthly Breathing Statements........................................  8

       One Step on Your Path to Divinity, Micah .................  10       

Thank God for Each and Every Opportunity, Michael..13

What is Spiritual Community? Mary...............................  16

God's Gifts are Given to be Used, Micah......................  20

Gratitude..............................................................................  23

The Desire for Perfection, Hercules...........................    24

Mighty Victory Asks for Your Assistance, Victory.... 27

It Rains on the Just and the Unjust Alike, Gautama....29

Decree for Financial Freedom.........................................  31


The Attainment of True Freedom, Saint Germain......  32

How to Prolong . . . Ĉolus..............................................   37

Develop the Inner Light, Lanto......................................  39

Your Service to Life.........................................................  42 


The Service of a Silent Watcher, Clove....................... 47

We Need a Legion of Light, Saint Germain.................  51

The Great Light of the Son-Rise, Helios....................   56

Twenty Points to Remember.........................................   58

Message from the President.......................................... 61


Overview 2001

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